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You must enable JavaScript and install the Flash plugin to view this player
You must enable JavaScript and install the Flash plugin to view this player
You must enable JavaScript and install the Flash plugin to view this player
You must enable JavaScript and install the Flash plugin to view this player

Kontakt bestuur


Voorzitter Gerdi De Kimpe 052 22 35 21
Ondervoorzitter Abdon Moens 0473 99 81 00
Secretaris André De Croock 0476 34 40 45
Raad van Bestuur Gerdi De Kimpe 052 22 35 21
Abdon Moens 0473 99 81 00
André De Croock 0476 34 40 45
Hubert Van Hauwermeiren 0477 55 73 74
Hubert Van Rossem 0471 59 54 55
Geert Lemarcq 0476 25 17 96
Eindverantwoordelijken sponsoring Johan Lybeert 0475 64 43 62
Chris Van Buyten 052 33 09 11